Washington State History Projects


Grades: 7th & 8th
Subjects: Individuals & Societies, History

Key Outcomes:
Discovering key events in Washington State’s historical timeline and learning about their significance both past and present.


Ms. Marnie’s 7th and 8th Grade Individuals & Societies students did were learning about Washington State history and were given a project challenge: discover and research significant events throughout the Washington State timeline. Students had to pick an event that interested them, and spend time learning about it, the impacts it had both past and present, and then create a physical / visual representation of the event to present their learnings.

Students got really hands-on and creative with these project events, from painting depictions of the very first Starbucks, to the founding of Spokane, and even specific moments in the historic Lewis and Clark expedition, to pen and ink illustrations referencing the Whitman Massacre. Several students even made models of Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption and the iconic Space Needle!

These projects are a perfect example of how hands-on pedagogy can bring history to life!

2021-2022 School Year


Egg Drops


Sugar Skulls